Friday, 18 April 2014


After finishing our front garden make-over, I thought I would tackle cleaning up the bush house.
I had been very remiss at tending to my cattleya orchids, and they were lacking a good dose of fertilizer and anti-fungal spray as well as tender care, although I did water them when required.

A little neglected

To my  surprise I had 5 orchid plants out in flower, and if I remember these usually flower during March-April.  I don't know what the correct cattleya name is but I always refer to them as the the purple orchids.

So with the help of my wheelbarrow I loaded the pots in, to wheel to where I muck around with pot plants.  Using the wheelbarrow saves on carrying 2 pots at a time and lots of bending over.
I thought this was an ingenious brain wave I had, especially as some pots are quite heavy.

Out with the watering can and new fertilizer, and after weeding, tidying and re potting some of the pots it was time to fertilize and spray with anti-fungal.

5 pots of purple
Back in the barrow then to rearrange the bush house, after I got rid of some weeds and general tree mess. All the plants are looking a lot healthier and happy now, and since it has now been some weeks since, I have given them another top up of fertilizer.  Some have had a second flowering since then.

1 comment:

  1. Wow they are fabulous. I can't get my orchids to flower.
